
Archive for October, 2006

Custom Control Selection At Design Time

October 19, 2006 Leave a comment

So I found this going through some old code this past week. I had built a custom header to interact with a Wizard control. I don’t particularly care for the sidebar and I wanted navigation tabs floating above the Wizard. That was relatively easy to put together. It uses the ActiveStepIndex on the Wizard to determine its tab appearance, so when I dropped it into the Designer, I wanted to be able to select the Wizard1 control as the Wizard for my header to interact with. How you do that is with a TypeConverter.

A TypeConverter allows you to specify, at design time, the controls you would like your property to interact with. In this example, I have a string property on my WizardHeader control that I would like to set to “Wizard1”, the ID of the Wizard on my WebForm. Now I could type that in, but I could also type in any number of other things that would not be the type of control I wish to use and would break when I went after the ActiveStepIndex property during execution.

So I built a custom TypeConverter that would return to me the IDs for the controls on the page that were of type Wizard. Here’s how it’s done:

First, I will inherit from StringConverter, which is the base Converter for capturing properties of type string. There are a couple of overrides. The most important is GetStandardValues. This allows you to customize how you want to acquire the values that are available through your converter.

By looping through the controls that are available in the component context container, I can check for their control type, and if they match the type I am looking for (in this case System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard), I add those IDs to a collection. At the end I build a string list and hand back a StandardValuesCollection based on that list.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;

namespace WebControls.Wizards
public class WizardListConverter : StringConverter
private static
TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection myReferences;

public WizardListConverter()


public override bool
GetStandardValuesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
return true;

public override bool
GetStandardValuesExclusive(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
return true;

public override TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection
GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
ArrayList matchingReferences = new ArrayList();

for (int i = 0; i < context.Container.Components.Count; i++)
if (context.Container.Components[i]
is System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard)
System.Web.UI.Control contr =


matchingReferences.Sort(0, matchingReferences.Count, null);

if (context.Container.Components.Count > 0)
string sSplitReferences = "";

for (int j = 0; j < matchingReferences.Count; j++)
if (matchingReferences[j] + "" != "")
sSplitReferences += "," + matchingReferences[j];

string[] references = sSplitReferences.Split(',');

myReferences = new
myReferences = new
TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection(new string[] { "" });

return myReferences;

Now that that is done, I need to go back to my WizardHeader control and add the WizardListConverter as an attribute:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace WebControls.Wizards
public class WizardHeader : System.Web.UI.Control
//the id of the control I wish to interact with
private string m_sWizardControl;

public string WizardControl
get { return m_sWizardControl; }
set { m_sWizardControl = value; }

Now when I drop the WizardHeader onto a WebForm, I can simply select the appropriate wizard in the property list.

So now I can make it a lot easier to control the interaction between my custom controls at design time to make sure I am only interacting with the types of controls I want.

Talk to you later!


Categories: ASP.NET Code

.NET 2.0 Fun With Generics

October 15, 2006 Leave a comment

So I spent this past weekend playing with Generics. For those of you who haven’t used them yet, they are a way to “generalize” your code while still maintaining type safety in .NET 2.0. You can do some very powerful things with them, and some of the native implementations can save you a ton of work.

First of all, there’s the List object in the new namespace System.Collections.Generic. This namespace is added by default to all of your class files when you create them in Visual Studio. This allows you to create lists of objects while telling the list the type of object you want to add, whereas in the past with Arrays or Dictionaries you had to check for the type or cast it correctly to make sure the list contained objects of the same type. For example:

List<int> oIntegers = new List<int>();

This will create a new list that will only allow ints to be added to it. In addition, you get type safety when enumerating or using for loops on the List:

foreach(int i in oIntegers)

In the past you would have had to cast this to int or check the type to make sure it would not break during the loop, but now because you’ve told the List what object type to expect, you have type safety. This also works when accessing an object by index:

int iFirst = oIntegers[0];

This will not require casting because the List already knows that any object within its collection will be an int. This is a great improvement over the collection objects in .NET 1.1.

That’s not the only thing you can do with Generics. You can also create classes that will contain and interact with various types of objects as well. One of the things that I’ve always been upset about is the inability to list the members of an Enum. If you’ve tried this you know what I mean…you want to be able to take an Enum and bind it to a dropdownlist or some other control so users can choose from each of the types and set it on an object. Well now, with a simple Generics based class that derives from List, you can do that:

public class EnumList<t> : List<t>
public EnumList()
string[] sNames = Enum.GetNames(typeof(t));
foreach (string sName in sNames)
base.Add((t)Enum.Parse(typeof(t), sName));
catch(Exception e)
throw new Exception("Not an enum type", e);

By placing a <t> behind your class definition (or “(Of T)” in VB.NET) you can hand your class a type to interact with, and use that to strongly type items added to your object. In this case, I am going to pass an Enum in as when creating the object, and in the body of the constructor, I will grab the GetNames() method off the Enum class and pass it the type of the object I was handed. Then I can loop through the items in the Enum and add it to the List I’ve derived from. Once that is done, I now have an object I can use for DataBinding to any bindable control, including DropDownLists on Web Forms.

Here’s how you would instantiate it:

public enum enLocomotion
public class Animal
public List<enLocomotion> Locomotions
return new EnumList<enLocomotion>();

By telling the EnumList you wish it to use the enLocomotion,
the List that the class derives from will populate with
“Fly”, “Walk”, “Slither”, and “Swim” on the fly. This way,
if you add a new item to the Enum, it will automatically
get picked up without any code changes.

Animal oAnimal = new Animal();
this.DropDownList1.DataSource = oAnimal.Locomotions;

Fly Walk Slither Swim

Have fun with Generics! I know I will.

Talk to you later,


Categories: C# Code


October 14, 2006 Leave a comment

So I don’t usually work in VB.NET, I’ll admit it. When we made the jump to the .NET Framework I started programming in C# and absolutely fell in love with the language. I think in C# now when I code and nothing is more painful than going back to VB6 or legacy ASP code. However, at Code Camp, I did pick up something in VB.NET Windows Application programming that I really like and wish they had included in C#: Automatic Splash Screens!

It turns out that with one new form and a couple of setting changes in the IDE, you can have a professional looking splash screen on your VB.NET App. It’s really this simple. First of all you add a WindowsForm of type SplashScreen:

Image 1

Then you change the properties for the Assembly to set the Application Title:

Image 2

And then you go into the project properties and add that as your splashscreen:

Image 3

And Viola! Instant, professional splash!

Image 4

Now when are we going to get that in C#?



Categories: C# Code